Penn College NOW Dual Enrollment

Students in 8 programs of study have the opportunity to earn Penn College credits through the Northern Tier Career Center at no cost to them or their families. From 2017-2019, NTCC students earned 691 credits, saving them and their families more than $377,000 in tuition. 

Participating programs include building construction, diesel technology, food production & management, HVAC/mechanical trades, information technology, machine tool technology, pre-nursing, and welding technology. 

For more information, please read the introductory information found below. 

Applications are available through Tuesday, October 13th. Assistance will be provided in class, however, absent or remote students can complete the application at home using the presentation below as a guide. 

Please feel free to contact the program instructor or Mrs. Farley at 570-265-8111 or with any questions.

Penn College NOW Information for Students and Parents

Penn College NOW Application Process Presentation